Surgery Day

June 1, 2011- Surgery date!!!!

This day will forever be ingrained in my mind. I cannot even believe the day has finally come. I woke up, showered with the special soap and threw on my new cotton shirt that had a large red kidney on it with a “+1” in the middle. Kara had a -1 on hers. A few days before surgery, her family made us these awesome shirts to sport the day of surgery.
They were quite the hit. All of the doctors and nurses seemed to like them. I got to the hospital around 7:45 am. I came a little early to meet Kara, since her pre-ops were a little earlier than mine. Our surgery was originally the first case of the day but then we were bumped to the second because of a deceased donor surgery. They explained that this is a rare occurrence but I found it a happy one because someone else was also getting their life changed. The nerves were settling in because of the extra wait time. I really hadn’t felt much anxiety or nervousness until this point.
Kara was called back about 10 minutes after I had arrived. We were able to snap a few pics of the two of us and family, then she was gone. I didn’t know what to feel when she left. I was a bit worried and excited. I prayed that she was in good hands because she was doing all of this for me!! What an overwhelming feeling. I waited and waited and then I too was called back. My family relocated to where Kara’s family had been waiting, the surgery waiting area. I was happy to know that the waiting families would be getting hourly updates or so to help ease their minds. When I got to the pre-op area I saw Kara there for a brief moment. She was laying in the bed, gowned up and cap on. We hugged and I think I told her I’d see her on the other side of the surgery. She was then wheeled away.
I was allowed one person at a time in the back with me until I was taken to surgery. I slipped into the usual surgery garb and waited for my first guest. I was visited by Cody, my parents, my aunt, my friend Sarah and her daughter Sammy and Cody’s parents Kay and Jim. I don’t think I’m missing anyone, then again my mind was going a million miles a minute! It was nice to spend time with all of them beforehand. Some cried, some told me I would be okay and some just talked about everyday things with me.
The anesthesiologist came and explained what he would be doing during the surgery. Nurses came and wrapped my legs in thick, constricting stockings, which would help with clots etc. I also had these “leg massagers” placed around each calf to promote circulation during and after surgery. Vitals were taken and an IV was placed. I was reminded that I would have a central line placed in my neck as well as a catheter to use instead of the bathroom for the first couple days in the hospital. A stent would also be placed.
After everything was said, they gave me some medicine, which made me feel a little loopy. I remember hearing a doctor say, “Kara is ready and we are waiting for Cherina. Are you ready?” Then the surgeon, Andre Dick stopped by. I had only met him briefly before, but not as my surgeon. I was anxious that I didn’t build any rapport with him. He was nice enough to call me a few days before surgery and answer any questions I had. He told me that my Dad was pacing in the waiting area and that he had reassured him that he was having a good day and that surgery would go well. I felt fine at this point. It was about to all happen and I knew that no matter what I felt, it wouldn’t change anything; so better just to let go of anything and feel good about it all.
They wheeled me back into the cold and bright operating room. All sorts of people surrounded me. Some familiar faces, some not. I remember seeing a huge TV screen in front of me. On it was a huge google map?! I asked why that was there because I couldn’t see why it pertained to my surgery. They laughed and said they were just looking something up. Funny really. I recall looking up at the bright light and then I was out for the count. It was about a four-hour surgery, but felt like I was out for only 15 minutes. Everyone waited the entire time, which was so nice. Cody was tired but didn’t want to leave, so he slept in the parking garage in his parents' van. The amount of support between Kara’s family and mine was really amazing. My friends have also been very supportive all the way from when I found out I needed a transplant, to the transplant and beyond.
I believe I got out of surgery around eight in the evening. I stayed in the post-op recovery area for at least an hour or two until I woke up. I was then sent to my room and don’t remember much from there for the rest of that night. I was on major pain medications. That night as well as the next few were quite a blur.

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